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What does PPP stand mean?Private Placement Program
Who qualifies for a PPP?A PPP is by invitation only for a highly qualified investor with 100M Euro/USD or more in cash funds, investor with 150M or more in bank instruments. 100M or more in an already activated Line of Credit (LOC). Must be the signatory, owner and earner of these funds.
Is there any risk of my funds with your PPP?Dealing with a primary platform (which I am direct to) there is ZERO RISK to your funds. Your bank account funds are 100% always under your control. Your funds are not touched and never leave your account. Your funds are only being mirrored by the trade platform. Either with the plaforms own cash or there own Line of Credit. Your only commitment is for the entire legnth of the trade to never remove the funds from your account or use it for another purpose.
How can I get into a Trade Program with an SBLC in which I am the Beneficiary ?Cash is King! But I have a direct platform that will monetize top bank issued cash backed SBLC at up to 70% LTV. You will need a total of 100m or more after LTV. You will need all documentation of ownership, JV agreements etc. Also all copies of original custodial pages. The bank where instrument is held needs to send the platform a MT760 hold on instrument. The platform secures there own line of credit against the instrument.
How are my funds held in my account for trade?There are several different ways your funds are held for several different situations. The methods avaiable are an Admin Hold, MT799 and MT760. These methods are no more than your bank issuing a BCL telling the platform that the investors funds will be untouched and held for the trade in the investors bank account. FUNDS ARE ALWAYS UNDER INVESTORS CONTROL! 100% Secure & Safe!
What is a (S.S.) Slightly Seasoned MTN?S.S. MTN’s are a second titleholder instrument. The seller buys with their own funds Fresh Cut MTN’s and become the first titleholder. Then the seller pays for and assigns ISIN and CUSIP codes to the MTN’s for the next buyer. The buyer becomes the first trade of these MTN’s and is the second titleholder. The MTN are ready to go into a trading platform. But have not officially traded at point of sale.
What is a Seasoned MTN?Seasoned are currently trading on Brussels Euroclear. They are assigned an ISIN and CUSIP code.
What is the difference between Seasoned & Slightly Seasoned MTN's?Seasoned MTN's are currentey trading and can be viewed on Brussels Euroclear and have an ask price. Slightly Seasoned MTN's have only been traded one time to the second title holder and are ready to be placed into trade.
Why is it nearly impossible to find genuine Seasoned MTN’s to buy?Finding a genuine top 20 bank cash backed Seasoned MTN is like finding a Unicorn, because these MTN’s are already trading back and forth in a Private Trading Platform, with an already assigned Exit Buyer. There is no reason to sell outside the Private Platform. The MTN is already making money for the owner. You will see corporate MTN’s and MTN’s issued from less than desirable banks, because nobody wants to buy these. My word of caution is that if you are offered a Seasoned MTN to be purchased with ISIN, the MTN can be real but it most likely is an Internet scam. If it is genuine they are normally sold immediately and never reaches the street. BUYERS BEWARE! FYI: The best option is to purchase S.S. MTN’s and register them into Brussels Euroclear.
Will your seller transact and deliver the MTN's on Brussels Euroclear?Yes
What is the lenghth until maturity of your MTN's?Ten Years
What is the Coupon on your MTN's?Usually 5% or better.
Does SBLC’s have an ISIN?No ISIN code only a CUSIP code is assigned to SBLC’s.
What time period until the SBLC is worth 100% of face value?One year and one day.
Do you lease SBLC’s?No, I personally have not found a trusted provider. It appears that lease SBLC is a myth. Most charge upfront fees and upfront transaction fees. BUYERS BEWARE, most are scams, that run away with your money.
Can your seller do Internal Bank transfers or Ledger to Ledger inside a bank?The seller prefers Internal - Ledger to Ledger transactions. The bank takes full responsibility of the transaction, so the outcome is 100% secure equally for both buyers and sellers. The seller is capable to do Internal Bank Transactions in HSBC, London or DBS, Singapore (preferred) or Credit Suisse, Zurich and Barclays, London. There is a possibility if the buyer banks is in another top 25 bank that is not listed, that the seller will open an account in buyers bank to go internal trasfer.
Must buyer first give the CIS or KYC with passport and a current POF?There are specific new banking regulations to govern the process and to cut down on fraud from both buyers and sellers. Every real seller and every real buyer must comply with these regulations. Every seller must put a buyer through compliance prior to either engaging directly with buyer and also bringing the transaction to a bank. The current banking regulations clearly states that all buyers must first pass compliance before seller can engage with buyer and any kind of bank to bank transaction can take place. To summarize: Before a buyer can proceed with any sellers offering, buyer first gives his CIS or KYC with passport and a Current POF of where the buyers funds are held. Buyer must be approved before Principal to Principal engagement is possible.
Can we show Proof of Funds Bank to Bank?The banks now demand that the provider first has buyers pass compliance before the banks can be brought into any transaction. There are too many fraudulent buyers and the banks have no desire to qualify buyers. Keep in mind 99% of buyers cannot perform. The burden of proof is upon the buyer! To pass compliance we need two thing: 1. CIS with passport. 2. A BCL on bank letterhead signed by two bank officers for the proof of funds to be enough or more than the first tranche. Emailed from the banks server to buyer and FOWARDED by email to the intake officer. This way the seller can trace the IP address trail to make sure it originated in the bank.
Who is your provider/seller?Banking regulations do not permit the seller contacting the buyer or having questions answered by the seller before the buyer passes compliance. Any form of contact between buyer and seller at the beginning is considered solicitation on the part of the seller. THAT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE SELLER TO DO! Therefore that is the purpose, reason and necessity of intermediaries, intake officers and facilitators. Most buyers can not or will not give their POF or CIS. The provider honestly does not have the time to pre-qualify buyers. It is the brokers job to gather the neccesary documents needed for buyers to pass compliance, not the providers job.
What is the purpose of having intermediaries, buyers representative, buyers mandates, buyer consultants, intermediaries, and or facilitators?"Banking regulations insist that there needs to be at least one intermediary introducing the buyer to the seller. The seller is not allowed : to solicit at first, approach buyer, answer buyers questions and help gather or request the necessary documents needed for compliance. That is the only job that the buyers representatives are responsible to do. That is the only reason the buyers representatives are recognized and receive payment for this service they provide.
Which buyers banks will your seller work with?Any top 25 banks in the Western Hemisphere, any top banks in Singapore and (BOC) Bank of China- only the Beijing branch.
What is needed for the CIS?Full banking coordinates, Company registration, Corporate resolution and color copy of the signatory’s passport.
What is acceptable proof of funds?FYI: On MTN & SBLC purchases POF only needs to show enough funds to cover the first tranche or more. Any one of these POF methods will be accepted: (3 days old or less) BCL (Bank Comfort Letter) on banks letterhead signed by (2) bank officers RWA (Ready Willing & Able) letter on banks letterhead signed by (2) bank officers Tear Sheet- screen snapshot showing all of the deposit details, account numbers, etc. signed by (2) bank officers. PPP Trade Programs you need to show POF (In above formats) of the full trade amount or if you are monetizing a bank instrument you need to show proof of ownership that is the same as the signatory on the CIS along with copies of the custodial pages.
What is the acceptable email procedure of the POF?POF sent from your Bankers Email Server to Client Then Client forwards POF directly the intake officers email address: FYI: Compliance will immediately be able to confirm via IP Address Verification if clients bank actually sent the POF. This is a requirement of the banks.
May I bring you my buyers procedures for you to follow?Absolutely not! It is no different than you bringing your own menue to a restaurant and you expect to be served.
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